First European Workshop on Non-intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM 2014 @ London)
- Date: Wednesday 3 September 2014
- Photos on flickr
- Location: Room 342, Huxley Building, Imperial College London, SW7 2AZ, UK
- Who should attend: any companies/academics with an interest in energy disaggregation
The aim of this meet up is to bring together all the researchers that are working on the topic of energy disaggregation in both academia and industry. The primary goal is to provide a convenient forum to share common research goals and identify common themes for collaboration. This workshop is not intended to compete with the International NILM workshop series (2012, 2014), but instead function as a convenient and informal venue for European researchers to get to know each other and their work.
9.30: Arrival and coffee
- 10.00: Welcome and workshop overview (Oliver Parson)
- 10.20: Round table introductions of attendees
- 11.00: Coffee break
- 11.20: Overview of NILM conferences (Oliver Parson)
12.00: Lunch
- 13.00: DNO level Non Intrusive Load monitoring (Peter Davies)
- 14.00: NILMTK: A toolkit for Non Intrusive Load monitoring (Jack Kelly)
- 15.00: Coffee break
- 15.20: Discussion of potential for disaggregation evaluation tool
- 16.00: Any other business
- 16.30: Discussion and plans for next user group and sessions
17.00: Close
- Oliver Parson, University of Southampton
- Peter Davies, Green Running
- Jack Kelly, Imperial College London