Android Apps

GridCarbon - available from Google Play store (2000+ downloads)

Track the carbon intensity of the UK electricity grid on your Android phone.

The demand for electricity in the UK varies throughout the day, which means the mix of generators supplying this electricity continually changes. As a result, the carbon intensity of the electricity (the quantity of CO2 produced for 1 kWh of electricity consumed) also varies continually. Deferring your use of electricity to off-peak times, when the carbon intensity is low, can help to reduce your carbon footprint.

Features:Data updated every 5 minutes

    • Display of instantaneous carbon intensity (gCO2/kWh)
    • Traffic light indicator to highlight period of low and high carbon intensity
    • Generation mix summary showing total and percentage supply by type
    • Line plot showing carbon intensity over the previous 24 hours
    • Interactive bar chart showing the generation mix over the previous 24 hours

iSmellGas - available from Android Market

Have you ever smelt gas in your local area and not known what to do about it? iSmellGas allows you to quickly log incidents wherever you are, which allows us to pinpoint potential issues and log them in our database. You can also view currently logged incidents to see those that others have identified, and verify them with your own report.


    • Report gas leaks based on automatic detection of your location
    • Refine your report with a manually chosen location
    • Provide an indication of the strength of the gas smell
    • View nearby gas leaks reported by other users
    • Browse gas leaks reported globally through the iSmellGas website

Taxonokey - available from this site [video]

Recommends local species based on phone sensor data. This app was built during SpeciesHack; an 8-hour hack-a-thon bringing together Biologists and Computer Scientists. It won a prize as the best prototype app.


    • Uses information about time of day, season, location, current weather conditions and local habitats to recommend the species you're most likely to find
    • Tap on the recommended insects to see their fact file, including pictures and sounds
    • Allows you to narrow down the automatic sensor data, e.g. by providing a more accurate location or information about the local habitat

NoteEd - available from this site

Collaboratively take notes from your Android phone during lectures.


    • Take notes during lectures
    • View other students' notes in real-time
    • Download a complete package of material after the lecture, including a video of the lecturer, the slides used and notes taken
    • Playback the material online through Synote